Indian Infotech Share Price Target 2024, 2025, 2027, 2030, 2040 

Indian Infotech Share Price Target 2024, 2025, 2027, 2030, 2040 

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Hello friends, welcome to all of you in our another amazing post, in today’s article we will give you information about Indian Infotech Share Price Target 2024, 2025, 2027, 2030, 2040, if you also want to invest in this company and If you want to know the target price of the company and information about the company, then we will try to give you complete information in detail in this article.

Friends, if you also invest in the stock market or are planning to invest in the stock market and want to know information related to the stock market and target price, then we provide the latest news related to the stock market on this website. Price keeps sharing information about IPO. If you are also interested in knowing all this information then stay connected with our website.

Information about Indian Infotech

So, Indian Infotech Company was established around 1982. The name of the Managing Director of this company is Nand Dev. If we talk about the business of this company, then in which field does this company work from Information Technology and Software Application Mobile Express Location? In which this company provides services like software and online platform to its customers. The market cap of this company is around 245 crores.

Indian Infotech Share Price Target 2024 

So, Indian Infotech Company was established around 1982. The name of the Managing Director of this company is Nand Dev. If we talk about the business of this company, then in which field does this company work from Information Technology and Software Application Mobile Express Location? In which this company provides services like software and online platform to its customers. The market cap of this company is around 245 crores.

Just as the sales and profit of this company are increasing well and the loss of the company is also decreasing compared to earlier and it is turning into profit. If I know about the share price target of this company in the year 2024. Talking about it, the company’s share is likely to go from Rs 2.45 to Rs 3.23 by 2024.

Accuracy Shipping Share Price Target 2024, 2025, 2027, 2030

Indian Infotech Share Price Target 2025

If we talk about the share price target of this company in the year 2025, then this company mainly works in the field of technology and software services. Information technology is continuously growing very fast in our country and people are using it in large quantities. People are becoming addicted to technology, due to which the companies working in the field of technology are also growing significantly and there is a high possibility of further growth in the future. If the promoters of the company work in the field of infotech in this company, then If you pay attention to the company then there can be significant growth in this company also.

Let us talk about the share price target of this company in 2025. If it works in the field of software and technology then there is a possibility of a good growth but if the promoters of the company pay more attention to this company then in the same year 2025 There is a possibility of the company’s share going up to ₹ 3. Apart from this, there may also be a decline in the company and there is a possibility of the company’s share once again going up to ₹ 1.

Indian Infotech Share Price Target 2027

If we talk about the share price target of this company in the year 2027, then most of the share holding in this room is with the retailers and others which is around 92.96%. Apart from this, the salary of the promoters in this company is very low which is around 7.04%. % which creates such a bad image for the company because the share holding of the promoters in this company is very less and if we talk about the share price target of the company by 2023, then the share of the company can go around ₹6 by 2027. If there is a decline in the near future then the company’s share can also go up to 0.75.

Indian Infotech Share Price Target 2030

If we talk about the share price target of this company in the year 2030, my country is likely to grow very fast in the year 2030 and the way the field of information technology is growing in our country, there is a possibility of further growth. But if this company repays its debt and the promoters increase their holding in this company, then how can there be good growth in the company, otherwise the price of the company may also fall. If we talk about the share price target of the company in 2030, then The company’s share may go down and if there is a decline in the company, the company’s share may also go down to around ₹2.

Indian Infotech Share Price Target 2040

Brother, if you hold the stock of this company for a long term till Rs. 240 then there is a good possibility of growth in the company but the promoter’s share holding in the company is very less and apart from this the profit of the company is also not that special. There is not much possibility of much movement in the company’s stock. Apart from this, the growth rate of the company is also very low and the balance sheet of the company is in a very bad condition. By 2440, the company’s stock can go to around ₹ 18 if it falls. Hua Tiger likely to go around ₹6 

Indian Infotech Share Price Target 2024, 2025, 2027, 2030, 2040 

Year Target Price
2024 ₹2

Indian Infotech Future

If we talk about the future of this company, then there is no significant increase in the sales of the company nor is there any increase in profit. Apart from this, the share holding of the promoters in the company is very less and the returns are less than that of the promoters. It has huge share holding which creates a negative image for the company. Apart from this, the growth rate of the company is also very low and the debt on the company is also very little, due to which there is very little possibility of growth in the company because the shares of the company are also very bullish. continues to fall from

We hope that you like the information given by us in today’s article about Indian Infotech Share Price Target 2024, 2025, 2027, 2030, 2040. Similar Stock Target Price Stock Market Latest News Stock Market News Stock Information about IPO, stock target price, stay connected to our website to know about all this. Whatever information we have given you about target price in this article is based on the fundamentals of comment, balance sheet of company and returns of the company. The price given is imaginary, there may be actual changes in the price and before investing in the stock market, please consult your broker.