CDSL Share Price Target 2024, 2025 2027, 2030, 2035, 2040

CDSL Share Price Target 2024, 2025 2027, 2030, 2035, 2040

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Hello friends, welcome to all of you in our another amazing article. In today’s post we will tell you about CDSL Share Price Target 2024, 2025, 2027, 2030, 2035, 2040 and also the target price of this company and about this company. If you want to know then you must read this article because in today’s article we will try to give you complete information in detail about Target Send Company.

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Information about CDSL

Please talk about the company, this company was established in the year 1997 and the name of the managing director of this company is Nehal Vara. If we talk about the business of this company, then currently the accounts of more than 2.78 crore investors are managed. The company which is in the hands of HDFC Bank, Standard Chartered is with Canada Bank, the information about the management of the accounts of the investors who invest and the information about the transactions remains with this company. The market cap of the company is about 19,642 crores.

CDSL Fundamentals

Company Name Central Depository Services (India) LimitedMarket Cap₹19,130 croreP/E Ratio54.19P/b Ratio15.59Industry P/E39.21Debt to Equity0.00ROE26.10%Book Value117.41Face Value1052 week High206752 week Low880.90

CDSL Share Price Target 2024

Talking about the share price target of this company 2024, there is a significant increase in the sales and profits of this company. In the year 2021, the revenue of the company was Rs 401 crores and the company made a profit of Rs 201 crores and the same in the year 2022. In 2017, the company’s revenue was 606 crores and the company made a profit of 312 crores and in the year 2023, the company’s revenue was 621 crores and the company made a huge profit of 276 crores. Both the sales and profit of the company are increasing tremendously. Is

Just as there is a significant increase in both the sales and profits of the company, there is a possibility of further increase in the share price of the company as well. If we talk about the share price target of this company in the year 2024, then by 2024 the share price of the company will be Rs. likely to go from 1870 to 2190

CDSL Share Price Target 2025

If we talk about the share price target of this company in the year 2025, then this company mainly does the work of account management of investors. At present, the company has investor account managers of about 2.78 crores, which is expected to increase further. There is a high possibility of this because the number of investors in the stock market is continuously increasing in our country. At present, the number of stock markets is increasing very fast in our country, due to which there is a possibility of further increase.

If we talk about the share price target of the company in 2025, there can be a significant rise in the company and the company’s share can go from 2370 to 2355.

Power PSU Stock target price 2025,2026,2027

CDSL Share Price Target 2027

If we talk about the share price target of this company in the year 2027, then the maximum share holding in the company is with Detals which is around 52.95%, apart from this, the share holding of the promoters is 15% and the share holding of mutual funds is this. The maximum share holding within the company is 12.95%. Details are to come. Promoters have much less share holding as compared to retailers which creates a negative image for the company.

At the same time, if we talk about the share price target of this company in 2027, there is a possibility of a slight rise in the company’s share and the company’s share can go from 2765 to 2745 by the year 2023.

CDSL Share Price Target 2030

Talking about the share price target of Venkatesh Company for 2030, there is a possibility of tremendous growth in the stock market in our country by 2030. Some big stock market brokers and stock market players have said that by 2030 the stock market in our country will is also going to go up rapidly and the population of our country’s stock market is also likely to increase significantly. Stock market investors are continuously increasing in our country, due to which the sales of the company will also increase and the share price of the company will reach 730. Sher is likely to go from 3255 to 3552

CDSL Share Price Target 2035

If we talk about the share price target of this company for 2035, then the company’s shares can rise significantly and by the year 2035, the company’s share price can go from 3952 to 4215.

CDSL Share Price Target 2040

If you are planning to invest in an office company for a long time, then there is a possibility of a significant rise in the company’s stock by the year 2040. As the sales and profits of the company are increasing, the company may grow further in the future. And the company’s stock can also rise significantly and the company’s share is likely to reach 5690 by the year 2040.

CDSL Future

If we talk about the future of this company, then this company mainly deals with the work of investors like investors and stock market. In our country, the area of stock market is growing very fast and people are also investing their money inside the stock market.